Hey there,

Hey there, This is Suhas B G. I am a Web Developer & Data Scientist eager to learn new things.

My Resume


Recommendation System

Recommends movies based on personal interest and popularity.

Personal Portfolio Website

My personal website that has all my work and project experience.

Restaurant Review Classifier

Classifies the reviews given for a restaurant using NLP.

Diabetes Predictor Model

Predicting the presence of Diabetes in a patient using ML.


I've worked with multiple technologies as a developer to develop & maintain my projects.

  • Machine Learning

    I train & deploy Machine Learning models.
  • Web Development

    Currently working with Dart & Flutter for app development.
  • Java

    I can code in Java. I sometimes use it for Competitive Coding.
  • Git

    Git is a tool that I use every day. I use GitHub for pushing my code.

My Journey

In my learning journey , I have learned a great deal about software development and other technologies.


Machine Learning Course from Udemy

Python Course from Coursera

Git and Github from Youtube

Data Science from Verzeo

© 2021 Suhas B G . All rights reserved.